OUR Learning Agenda

Here is our working Agenda, make sure to check back as we continue to build out the details of the two-day gathering. 

All times listed are in Eastern Standard Time.

Day 1, People 
October 29, 2024 
Day 2, Place
October 30, 2024 
10:00 AM Pre-session Pre-session
10:45 AM Indigenous Welcome and Grounding
11:00 AM Welcome/Setting the Stage Reconvene the Learning Community
11:15 - 12:00 PM Fireside chat with Louise Adongo and Margaret Wheatley Plenary Panel: Government Discussion
12:00 - 12:30 PM Break
12:30 - 2:00 PM Workshops: Round 1 Workshops: Round 2
2:00 - 2:30 PM Break
2:30 - 3:15 PM Keynote: George Aye Tool Share: How-To Sessions
3:15 - 4:30 PM Panel discussion: Shifting Power and Building Leaders Keynote
4:30 - 5:00 PM Wrap-Up Synthesis and Wrap-Up


High-Level Session Descriptions  

Pre-session Chat: We invite you to join the Tamarack team each morning as you warm up for EngageFest! While enjoying a virtual beverage of your choice you will have a chance to gain a deeper understanding of the topics to be explored, while connecting with EngageFest!’s global audience. While this session is optional, we highly recommend you join and set your intentions for how you’ll navigate the space and connections you make.  

 Keynotes: The keynote speakers are sure to leave you feeling energized as you step into their world and learn more about key insights, their journey, and the evolution of their work. Learn about the unique perspectives, challenges, and guiding light that helps them work through topics such as power, leadership, and systems change.   

 Workshops: Learn from members of our network, Tamarack consultants and leaders in the field of cross-sector community change. Walk away with tangible and practical tools to move the needle in your initiatives and strengthen connections by engaging in conversations with peers who are also eager to lead change in authentic and innovative ways. 

 Panel Discussions: We will host one plenary panel each day focusing on government and ministry action, and shifting power to build leaders. You will participate in dynamic and engaging conversations that have been designed to help you explore new ideas by bringing together speakers with diverse perspectives for change.