Tamarack Institute Webinar 

Belonging Through Foodways
and Community Economies

September 4, 2024 | 1:00-2:00 PM ET 



The 2021 Heritage Newfoundland Craft at Risk report identified 42 critically endangered and endangered crafts and skills at risk of disappearing. Foodways was one of them. 

Food and foodways of a place and its people hold relationships, stories, ways of knowing, rituals, unification of families and communities. Families gathering to process a moose together or preserve a bounty of a harvest. It signifies seasonality and connection to nature and the changing climate we live in.

The place and its people also hold an abundance of gifts, skills and assets of their own, be it foraging, fishing or entrepreneurship just to name a few.  As we continue facing spiraling food costs due to climate impacts and global conflicts, struggle to find places to call home and try to cope with stress, overwhelm and loneliness, we invite you to explore other ways of knowing and being in community that build belonging, opportunity and agency.

Join us for a conversation with Lori McCarthy and Crystal Anstey from Newfoundland and Labrador on how we can discover, reconnect and activate the strengths, passions and knowledge of a place to find community and economic belonging in the face of globalization. We'll be exploring how to shift our mindsets from globalism to localism and go from surviving to thriving.


Strategy for Belonging banner

This webinar is part of a series of conversations to amplify the movement for a pan-Canadian Strategy for Belonging that centres everyone's perspectives on the quality of life in communities.



Lori McCarthy, Cultural Food AmbassadorLori-McCarthy

Lori McCarthy is a Cultural Food Ambassador, a Storyteller and an Educator who identifies fiercely as a Newfoundlander, which means more than just geographical location of birth to her. Her passion for the land is matched only by her passion for food culture. Deeply rooted here, the skilled chef and outdoorswoman is guided by a sense of responsibility to place. The ethics of conservation and sustainability inform her every move, and she is as serious about protecting Newfoundland culture, resources and food ways as she is about sharing them.

To be an innovative chef, forager, hunter, educator , and enthusiastic  outdoorsperson is less unusual amongst Newfoundlanders than you might think. The province's culture is based on the values of resourcefulness and working with what the land provides. But Lori has made it her life, becoming a leader and advocate in a back to the land approach where traditional food culture is central. She's committed to keeping the wild game and foods of this province on our plates for generations to come, and passing on the pride she learned at her own mother’s knee to her own children who will inherit this island's abundant bounty.

"Our stories are born to be told. They make us who we are. Embrace them, share them and allow them to empower you and those around you". - Lori McCarthy

Learn more about Lori

Listen to Lori’s TED talk on How to Find a Sense of Belonging Wherever You Are

Discover more about Newfoundland Foodways: East Coast Forager


Crystal Anstey, Tour Guide, Entrepreneur, Chef and Visual Artist Crystal Anstey

Tour guide, entrepreneur, chef and visual artist, Crystal Anstey, is dedicated to encouraging sustainability, hiring local, and creating adventures and experiences that preserve and protect the vast land and sea of Newfoundland and Labrador. Crystal uses the inherent gifts and assets of a place and of her own – an area of outstanding natural beauty (Twillingate, NL), sustainably caught local fish, seafood, foraged foods and her skills and passion as a chef to create unforgettable cultural and food experiences.

Her restaurant – the beach! 

Owner of Wild Island Kitchen, Crystal takes guests on adventures, from the sea to the plate. Wild island Kitchen is a locally owned tour and culinary group preserving the past while creating a sustainable future. Here, we have embraced local traditions, while applying our unique style of island ingenuity. Local Ingenuity – it’s what the land and sea has inspired for many generations.


Astrid Arumae, Manager of Communities, Tamarack Instituteastrid

Astrid joined Tamarack to work with the Communities Building Belonging team to support communities to build and develop neighborhood strategies. She is passionate about community-building, climate action, social innovation and entrepreneurship.

Astrid believes that community, connection and a sense of belonging are essential to us as human beings, all of which contribute to our wellbeing and help us thrive. She is driven by social equity and is inspired by people who work to help shift systems and better the lives of those around them. Astrid is certain that when we lead with care and in trust, we cultivate an environment where everyone is welcome to let their light shine.

In her role at Tamarack, she works across both Building Belonging and Community Climate Transitions networks, and is looking forward to building meaningful relationships with our existing member communities, supporting them on their local journey, nurturing partnerships and growing our network in Quebec and in Atlantic Canada.


We Hope To SEe You There