Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2022 | 1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m. ET
Speakers: David Ehrlichman and Jean-Marie Chapeau
How can change makers mobilize the power of networks to develop high-impact strategies for social change?
Whether you’re new to community development or an established field catalyst, generating solutions to complex social issues requires a solid understanding of how to navigate the connections between individuals, organizations and sectors – including the actors in one’s own network.
Join Jean-Marie for a conversation with David Ehrlichman, co-founder of the Converge network and author of Impact Networks: Create Connection, Spark Collaboration, and Catalyze Systemic Change.
David will be sharing:
the conditions for developing a network mindset;
the principles of network leadership;
the different ways to cultivate impact networks; and
tools we can all use to get started.
David Ehrlichman, Author, Impact Networks: Create Connection, Spark Collaboration, and Catalyze Systemic Change
David Ehrlichman is the author of Impact Networks: Create Connection, Spark Collaboration, and Catalyze Systemic Change. He is also a catalyst and coordinator of Converge, a network of practitioners who build and support impact networks.
With his colleagues, he has helped form dozens of impact networks in a variety of fields and was a founding coordinator for networks in the fields of environmental stewardship, economic mobility, access to science, civic revitalization, and web3.
He speaks and writes frequently on networks, finds serenity in music, and is completely mesmerized by his one-year-old daughter. Find his writings at
Jean-Marie Chapeau, Consulting Director of Evaluating Impact, Tamarack InstituteDeeply convinced that local and collaborative approaches are an essential lever in solving complex social issues, Jean-Marie has been involved in community development and social change for 25 years.
Jean-Marie mobilizes his experience, passion and curiosity to promote evaluation as a tool for empowerment in communities and to accompany individuals and groups in their learning processes. He is constantly seeking to build bridges between change-makers involved in inventing local solutions to poverty and exclusion.
He previously worked at Centraide of Greater Montreal, implementing innovative strategies and projects aimed at collective capacity building (training, coaching), particularly in social impact measurement, strategic learning and organizational development. In this role, Jean-Marie was responsible for the various evaluation and learning components of the Collective Impact Project (CIP), Montréal’s neighbourhood-based strategy to reduce poverty, and developed the Evaluation capacity-building approach to support local participatory evaluation.
Jean-Marie is a graduate of urban planning and business management. In the early 2000s, he initiated the very first urban farming initiatives in Montreal. He also worked for several years in the field of strategic consulting and foresight in Paris (France).
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