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2025 Workshop Bundle Options
For the first time, Tamarack is offering bundle and save options for our 2025 workshops. These options have been strategically created to provide participants with the confidence, skills and knowledge to advance their learning in complimentary themes.
Community Engagement Debate to Dialogue & Transforming Conflict Into Growth
Bundle these two workshops to:
Learn techniques to help you navigate polarisation in real time when facilitating engagement; create shared realities (or shared language) between those holding different perspectives and increase the chances of healthy dialogue.
Consider how to build relationships and reduce barriers to engagement
Frame polarized situations to create the conditions to move from debate to dialogue
Increase your knowledge of consensus-based and dialogue practices
Explore how conflict, when embraced and managed thoughtfully, can strengthen trust, deepen connections and unlock innovative solutions.
Gain the confidence to turn tension into dialogue, challenges into partnerships and roadblock into pathways for meaningful collaborations.
Walk away with tools, resources and practices that they can turn to to better recognize and address conflicts in their collaborations.
Click here to see the full workshop details for Community Engagement: Debate to Dialogue taking place March 6 from 1:00 - 4:00 pm ET.
Click here to see the full workshop details for Transforming Conflict into Growth, the two-part series taking place April 11 & 24 from 1:00 - 4:30 pm ET.
Fundamentals of ABCD & From Assets to Action: Unlocking community potential through Asset Mapping
By bundling this single workshop with the 6-month learning cohort, you will about:
Learn the foundations of ABCD as a community-driven development (bottom-up) approach. It's about focusing on strengths and not deficits or needs to develop programs and plans.
Uncover the six assets or resources that communities have that are used to enhance local well-being.
Introduce yourself to Asset mapping. ABCD approaches are iterative and emergent. While there are no methods that we can prescribe, there are several practices that communities around the world have found helpful. Asset Mapping is one way to uncover hidden community assets.
Uncover the nine functions of community which are critical features of local natural community work. They are bottom-up, hyper-local, and citizen-led.
Understand the importance of a whole-community approach and learn how to build an effective connector team.
Discover why asset mapping local talents, associations, and resources is critical to creating community change. Learn to identify hidden gifts, uncover opportunities, and connect people in meaningful ways.
Develop and refine a tailored plan to map your community’s assets and associations, ensuring long-term success.
Learn strategies to link individuals, groups, and associations to strengthen relationships and encourage collaboration.
Weave together the insights and connections you’ve discovered into a cohesive community plan with actionable next steps.
Click here to learn more about the Fundamentals of ABCD taking place March 27 from 1:00 - 4:30pm ET
Click here to learn more about the 6-month cohort From Assets to Action: Unlocking community potential through Asset Mapping taking place from April - November.
Want to bundle two or more events but don't see them listed above? Reach out to Stephanie@tamarackcommunity.ca to customize a workshop package for you and your team!