Resilience Talks

A Learning Series on four urban dynamics that contribute to resilience

Hosted by Milton Friesen



What are social networks? How do spaces in cities and communities influence people? Can you measure what it means to thrive? What is the relationship between resilience and money?

The City Resilience Framework project defines resilience as, "the capacity to function, so that the people living and working in cities - particularly the poor and vulnerable - survive and thrive no matter what stresses or shocks they encounter." 

Communities today are shaped and impacted by a myriad of complex issues and their ability to respond effectively. Communities that are resilient have the ability to sustain a sense of hope and purpose while adapting creatively in the face of challenges.

In this powerful Learning Series, our host, Milton Friesen, explored four urban dynamics that all contribute to resilience with other thought-leaders from across Canada who specialize in the areas of place-making, social networking, measurement of social resilience, and economics. This series of conversations truly generated insight for planners, policy makers and community leaders who were sought ways to increase the adaptive capacity of their own cities.

We welcome you to listen to this insightful Learning Series with Milton as he invites you to explore the different urban dynamics that contribute to resilient communities and cities.

Each of the 1-hour sessions in this series featured conversations and perspectives centered around one of four dynamics that contribute to resilient communities and cities. These patterns include the relationship between resilience and: relationships, space, measurement and money.

Listen Now